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6 Best Crowdfunding Tips

Tip 1: Pick Your Platform

Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the most commonly used, but there are more speciality platforms if you want to be in more of a focused community such as music or non-profits. So it would be best to do your research and find the best platform based on the project types that they focus on. 

Tip 2: Pitch and Story, Product a great video!

You need to make sure you stand out, you’re fighting for a persons attention while they’re on the platform in between loads of other distractions they are seeing. Once you have their attention you need to keep them engaged. The most effective way to do this is by giving them a great story - either about yourself, the product or the company or how it is going to impact them in their lives. 

A great video is highly important to catch the backers attention. 

Tip 3: Focus On What’s In It For Them

Have a look at what other successful campaigns have done similar to yours, each platform leaves the campaigns up online so that you can browse through their rewards.

Tip 4: Supporter Engagement

The biggest mistake made my first time crowdfunding campaigns is to not adequately engage with their network of friends, family, and supporters. These people will help you build your project up. 

Tip 5: Planned Marketing & Outreach

You have to be experimental in marketing as you may not necessarily know your exact target audience when you start. Successful campaigns spend hundreds of hours on their marketing planning side of their campaign before launching and this continues to change as they get to know their backers. 

Tip 6: Work effort and grease 

Work effort drives the wheels of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Because of the lack of man power when you start off, you will need to be focusing on all your areas at the same time. This is a lot of hard work but it most definitely pays off.